UNILOG – UNIVERSAL LOGISTICS SERVICES has a worldwide network of services for any kind of Foreign Trade operation and logistics and in different modals of transport. Its Headquarter is in Sao Paulo, one of the main business centers in the world, and a branch in Santos where the biggest port of Brazil is located. Santos Port is responsible for one-third of all Maritime Brazilian operations.
For further details, please call at one of our offices.
UNILOG is present at every port and airport of Brazil in order to offer clients the best infra-structure of logistics, efficiency and agility.
The main airports of Brazil are as follows:
North Region
North-East Region
South-East Region
South Region
UNILOG has a wide network of representatives and partners abroad to offer the clients the best and most punctual service.
Phone Number: 55 (11) 5584.7376
Email: gerencia@universal-log.com.br
Phone Number: 55 (13) 3216.1510
Email: gerencia@universal-log.com.br